nc = 0.87; nt = 0.9; T1 = 311; T3 = 1100; rp = 8; // P2/P1 P1 = 1; P2 = 8; P3 = 0.95*P2; P4 = 1; g = 1.4; cv = 0.718; cp = 1.005; R = 0.287; // With no cooling T2s = T1*((P2/P1)^((g-1)/g)); T2 = T1 + (T2s-T1)/0.87; T4s = T3*(P4/P3)^((g-1)/g); n = (((T3-T4s)*nt)-((T2s-T1)/nc))/(T3-T2); // With cooling n_cycle = n-0.05; x = 0.13; r = 0.13/1.13; disp("%",r*100,"Percentage of air that may be taken from the compressor is")