hfg = 2202.6; Qh = 5.83; ws = Qh/hfg; eg = 0.9; // efficiency of generator P = 1000; Wnet = 1000/0.9; nbrake = 0.8; h1_2s = Wnet/(ws*nbrake); // h1-h2s n_internal = 0.85; h12 = n_internal*h1_2s; hg = 2706.3; h2 = hg; h1 = h12+h2; h2s = h1-h1_2s; hf = 503.71; x2s = (h2s-hf)/hfg; sf = 1.5276; sfg = 5.6020; s2s = sf+(x2s*sfg); s1 = s2s; P1 = 22.5; // in bar from Moiller chart t1 = 360; disp("degree",t1,"Temperature of the steam is") disp("bar",P1,"Pressure of the steam is ")