-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.6 -->//Refer Fig.7.21 on page 237 -->//Number of bolts N -->N = 4 N = 4. -->//Allowable tensile stress in the bolts sigmaMax (N/mm2) -->sigmaMax = 35 sigmaMax = 35. -->//Load acting on the bracket P (kN) -->P = 25 P = 25. -->//Eccentricity value e (mm) -->e = 500 e = 500. -->//Height of bolt1 from the base l1 (mm) -->l1 = 550 l1 = 550. -->//Height of bolt2 from the base l2 (mm) -->l2 = 50 l2 = 50. Area at the core cross-section(A) = 401.446244 mm2