function[] = plot_format() //Get the handle of current axes g = gca() //Give labels and set label properties g.labels_font_color=5 g.font_size=3 g.grid=[1,1]"off" endfunction //Obtain path of solution file path = get_absolute_file_path('solution7_23.sce') //Obtain path of data file datapath = path + filesep() + 'data7_23.sci' //Clear all clc //Execute the data file exec(datapath) //Calculate the value of Kd Kd = 1/Kf //Calculate the endurance limit stress for bolt Se (N/mm2) Se = Kd * Sdash //Plot modified Goodman diagram //The common quadrilateral in the plot is the area of concern y1 = {Se 0} x1 = {0 Sut} y2 = {Syt 0} x2 = {0 Syt} plot(x1,y1,'--*') plot(x2,y2,'-*') plot_format() title('Modified Goodman diagram (Example 7.23)') xlabel('sigmaM (N/mm2)') ylabel('sigmaA (N/mm2)') //Calculate the initial pre-load in the bolts Pitotal (N) Pitotal = PSeat*((%pi/4)*((Do^2) - (Di^2))) //Calculate the pre-load per bolt Pi (N) Pi = Pitotal/N //Calculate the total external load Fmax per bolt(N) Fmax = ((%pi/4)*((Di + ((Do - Di)/2))^2)*Pmax)/N //Calculate the total external load Fmin per bolt(N) Fmin = ((%pi/4)*((Di + ((Do - Di)/2))^2)*Pmin)/N //Calculate the maximum and minimum forces on the bolt (N) PMAX = Pi + ((kb/(kb + kc)) * Fmax) PMIN = Pi + ((kb/(kb + kc)) * Fmin) //Calculate the mean force and force amplitude (N) Pm = (PMAX + PMIN)/2 Pa = (PMAX - PMIN)/2 //Calculate the actual core cross-section area of the bolt A (mm2) A = (Pa + (Pi/((1 + (Sut/Se)) * fs)))/(Sut/((1 + (Sut/Se))*fs)) //Choose proper diameter from Table 7.1 //Print results printf('\nCore cross-section area of the bolt(A) = %f mm2\n',A)