-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.18 -->//Refer Fig.7.35 on page 256 -->//Maximum force acting on the assembly Pmax (kN) -->Pmax = 10 Pmax = 10. -->//Minimum force acting on the assembly Pmin (kN) -->Pmin = 0 Pmin = 0. -->//Yield tensile strength of 45C8 Syt (N/mm2) -->Syt = 380 Syt = 380. -->//Ultimate tensile strength of 45C8 Sut (N/mm2) -->Sut = 630 Sut = 630. -->//Young's modulus of the plain carbon steel E1 (N/mm2) -->E1 = 207000 E1 = 207000. -->//Young's modulus of aluminium E2 (N/mm2) -->E2 = 71000 E2 = 71000. -->//Fatigue stress concentration factor Kf -->Kf = 2.2 Kf = 2.2 -->//Expected reliability (%) -->reliability = 90 reliability = 90. -->//Initial pre-load in the bolt Pi (kN) -->Pi = 5 Pi = 5. -->//Factor of safety fs -->fs = 2 fs = 2. -->//Length of the bolt l (mm) -->l = 25 + 25 l = 50. -->//Assume diameter of the bolt to be less than 7.5mm for Kb to be 1 -->d = 1 d = 1. -->//As Ka is incorporated into Kf, assume the assembly to be ground -->//This is just to obtain a random value of Ka -->op = 1 op = 1. Core cross-section area of the bolt(A) = 54.133961 mm2