-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.16 -->//Refer Fig.7.35 on page 256 -->//Yield tensile strength of 30C8 Syt (N/mm2) -->Syt = 380 Syt = 380. -->//Young's modulus of 30C8 E1 (N/mm2) -->E1 = 207000 E1 = 207000. -->//Young's modulus of aluminium E2 (N/mm2) -->E2 = 71000 E2 = 71000. -->//Initial pre-load in the bolt Pi (kN) -->Pi = 5 Pi = 5. -->//External force acting on the bolted joint P (kN) -->P = 10 P = 10. -->//Factor of safety fs -->fs = 2.5 fs = 2.5 -->//Length of the joint l (mm) -->l = 25 + 25 l = 50. Area at the core cross-section(A) = 65.319549 mm2