-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.14 -->//Refer Fig.7.29 on page 246 -->//Force acting on bracket P (kN) -->P = 5 P = 5. -->//Angle made by the force with the vertical theta (degree) -->theta = 60 theta = 60. -->//Number of bolts N -->N = 4 N = 4. -->//Tensile yield strength of 30C8 Syt (N/mm2) -->Syt = 400 Syt = 400. -->//Factor of safety fs -->fs = 5 fs = 5. -->//Distance of the centre of gravity from the lower edge cg (mm) -->cg = 60 + 100 cg = 160. -->//Distance between the point force and lower edge f (mm) -->f = 200 f = 200. -->//Distance of the force point from the tilting edge t (mm) -->t = 240 t = 240. -->//Distance between bolt1 and pt.C l1 (mm) -->l1 = 200 + 60 l1 = 260. -->//Distance between bolt2 and pt.C l2 (mm) -->l2 = 60 l2 = 60. Area at the core cross-section(A) = 34.874654 mm2