-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.11 -->//Refer Fig.7.26 on page 243 -->//Screw pitch circle diameter 2b (mm) -->b = 300/2 b = 150. -->//Flange diameter 2a (mm) -->a = 400/2 a = 200. -->//External force acting on the bearing P (kN) -->P = 25 P = 25. -->//Eccentricity value l (mm) -->l = 150 l = 150. -->//Maximum permissible tensile stress in the cap screw sigmaMax (N/mm2) -->sigmaMax = 50 sigmaMax = 50. -->//Number of cap screws n -->n = 4 n = 4. The nominal diameter of the cap screw(d) = 15.000000 mm