-->//(Threaded Joints) Example 7.10 -->//Refer Fig.7.25 on page 241 -->//Number of bolts N -->N = 4 N = 4. -->//Tension in the slack side of the belt Tslack (kN) -->Tslack = 5 Tslack = 5. -->//Tension in the tight side of the belt Ttight (kN) -->Ttight = 10 Ttight = 10. -->//Distance between boltA and pt. C l1 (mm) -->l1 = 50 l1 = 50. -->//Distance between boltB and pt. C l2 (mm) -->l2 = 150 l2 = 150. -->//Eccentricity value l (mm) -->l = 200 l = 200. -->//Maximum permissible tensile stress sigmaMax (N/mm2) -->sigmaMax = 60 sigmaMax = 60. Area at the core cross-section(A) = 150.000000 mm2