function[] = plot_format() //Get the handle of current axes g = gca() //Give labels and set label properties g.labels_font_color=5 g.font_size=3 g.grid=[1,1]"off" endfunction //Obtain path of solution file path = get_absolute_file_path('solution5_12.sce') //Obtain path of data file datapath = path + filesep() + 'data5_12.sci' //Obtain path of function file funcpath = path + filesep() + 'functions5_12.sci' //Clear all clc //Execute the data file exec(datapath) exec(funcpath,[-1]) //Calculate Sdash (N/mm2) Sdash = (50/100)*Sut //Calculate Ka, Kb and Kc [Ka, Kb, Kc] = fluctuate(op, d, reliability) //From Fig.5.24 //Ka = 0.77 //Calculate Kf Kf = 1 + (q*(Kt - 1)) //Calculate Kd Kd = (1/Kf) //Calculate Se (N/mm2) Se = Ka * Kb * Kc * Kd * Sdash //Plot modified Goodman diagram //The common quadrilateral in the plot is the area of concern y1 = {Se 0} x1 = {0 Sut} y2 = {Syt 0} x2 = {0 Syt} plot(x1,y1,'--*') plot(x2,y2,'-*') plot_format() title('Modified Goodman diagram (Example 5.12)') xlabel('sigmaM (N/mm2)') ylabel('sigmaA (N/mm2)') //Maximum bending moment at the fillet cross-section Mbmax (N-mm) Mbmax = Pmax * dist //Minimum bending moment at the fillet cross-section Mbmin (N-mm) Mbmin = Pmin * dist //Calculate Mba and Mbm (N-mm) Mbm = (Mbmax + Mbmin)/2 Mba = (Mbmax - Mbmin)/2 theta = atand(Mba/Mbm) //Calculate Sm (N/mm2) Sm = 1/((tand(theta)/Se) + (1/Sut)) //Calculate Sa (N/mm2) Sa = Sm * tand(theta) //Calculate the actual diameter of the beam d (mm) d = ((32 * Mba * fs)/(%pi * Sa))^(1/3) //Print results printf('Diameter of beam(d) = %f mm\n',d) printf('\nAnswer is slightly different because of use of equation 5.18\n') printf('Use value of Ka from Fig.5.24 in order to obtain the mentioned result\n')