-->//(Cylinders and Pressure Vessels) Example 22.3 -->//Force exerted by the piston rod F (kN) -->F = 10 F = 10. -->//Friction force due to piston packing as a percentage of operating force frac(%) -->frac = 10 frac = 10. -->//Pressure inside the cylinder Pi (MPa) -->Pi = 10 Pi = 10. -->//Ultimate tensile strength of the cylinder material Sut (N/mm2) -->Sut = 200 Sut = 200. -->//Factor of safety fs -->fs = 5 fs = 5. -->//Check the behavior of the material -->behavior = 'brittle' behavior = brittle -->//Change the behavior to 'ductile' if the material is ductile and uncomment the -->//next line specifying the poisson's ratio -->//mu = 0.26 Inner diameter of the cylinder(Di) = 40.000000 mm Thickness of the cylinder(t) = 6.000000 mm