-->//(Chain Drives) Example 14.2 -->//Power delivered by the rotary engine kW -->kWd = 30 kWd = 30. -->//Efficiency of the drive between the engine and the intermediate shaft eta (%) -->eta = 90 eta = 90. -->//Number of teeth on the driving sprocket z1 -->z1 = 17 z1 = 17. -->//Speed of the driving sprocket n1 (rpm) -->n1 = 300 n1 = 300. -->//Change the following data accordingly -->//Find service factor for moderate shock conditions from table 14.3 on page 551 -->Ks = 1.4 Ks = 1.4 -->//Find multiple strand factor from table 14.4 on page 551 -->//For 4 strands -->K1 = 3.3 K1 = 3.3 -->//Find the tooth correction factor from table 14.5 on page 551 -->//For 17 teeth -->K2 = 1 K2 = 1. Choose appropriate chain from table 14.2 on page 550 from obtained kw value at a given rpm Here, for 11.454545 kW rating at 300.000000 rpm, chain-16A is chosen