-->//(Brakes) Example 12.7 -->//Angle subtended by the block at the drum theta (deg) -->theta = 100 theta = 100. -->//Diameter of the brake drum D (mm) -->D = 500 D = 500. -->//Width of the friction lining w (mm) -->w = 100 w = 100. -->//Coefficient of friction mu -->mu = 0.2 mu = 0.2 -->//Maximum intensity of pressure pmax (N/mm2) -->pmax = 0.5 pmax = 0.5 Distance of pivot from axis of the drum(h) = 280.588279 mm Torque capacity of each shoe(Mt) = 957555.553899 N-mm Reaction in x-direction(Rx) = 17063.356281 N Reaction in y-direction(Ry) = 3412.671256 N