-->//(Brakes) Example 12.6 -->//Limit of the product pv -->pv = 2 pv = 2. -->//Coefficient of friction between the drum and the friction lining mu -->mu = 0.2 mu = 0.2 -->//Gear ratio between the brake and cable drum g -->g = 4 g = 4. -->//Permissible intensity of pressure on friction lining pmax (N/mm2) -->pmax = 1 pmax = 1. -->//Radius of the brake drum Rb (mm) -->Rb = 200 Rb = 200. -->//Radius of the cable drum Rc (mm) -->Rc = 150 Rc = 150. -->//Mass attached to the cable drum m (kg) -->m = 500 m = 500. Brake shoe force(P) = 4598.437500 N Area of friction lining(A) = 4598.437500 mm2 Uniform velocity at which the mass can be lowered(v1) = 0.375000 m/s or 22.500000 m/min