-->//(Brakes) Example 12.2 -->//Total mass of the car m (kg) -->m = 1000 m = 1000. -->//Moment of inertia of each wheel about its transverse axis I (kg-m2) -->I = 0.5 I = 0.5 -->//Rolling radius of the wheel R (m) -->R = 0.35 R = 0.35 -->//Moment of inertia of other parts of the car Ie (kg-m2) -->Ie = 2.5 Ie = 2.5 -->//Ratio of speed of engine to the speed of wheels r -->r = 5 r = 5. -->//Speed of the car v1 (km/h) -->v1 = 100 v1 = 100. -->//Car deceleration dec (m/s2) -->dec = 0.5 * 9.81 dec = 4.905 -->//Final speed of the car v2 (km/h) -->v2 = 0 v2 = 0. -->//Number of wheels n -->n = 4 n = 4. Energy absorbed by each brake(E) = 147234.819854 J Torque capacity of each brake(Mt) = 655.167857 N-m There is an error in the printed answer