-->//(Brakes) Example 12.10 -->//Width of the steel band w (mm) -->w = 100 w = 100. -->//Thickness of the steel band t (mm) -->t = 3 t = 3. -->//Maximum tensile stress in the band sigmat (N/mm2) -->sigmat = 50 sigmat = 50. -->//Coefficient of friction between the friction lining and the drum mu -->mu = 0.25 mu = 0.25 -->//Radius of the drum R (mm) -->R = 300 R = 300. -->//Angle of wrap theta (deg) -->theta = 240 theta = 240. -->//Distance of the loose end from the pivot d1 (mm) -->d1 = 200 d1 = 200. -->//Distance of the tight end from the pivot d2 (mm) -->d2 = 50 d2 = 50. -->//Distance of the force from the loose end d3 (mm) -->d3 = 750 d3 = 750. The brake is not self-locking Tension in the band on the tight side(P1) = 15000.000000 N Tension in the band on the loose side(P2) = 5263.797108 N Actuating force(P) = 318.694128 N Torque capacity of the brake(Mt) = 2920.860868 N-m