//(Springs) Example 10.8 //Refer Fig.10.20 on page 414 //Diameter of the valve dia (mm) dia = 50 //Pressure inside the chamber when the valve is closed Pc (N/mm2) Pc = 0.5 //Pressure inside the chamber when the valve just opens Po (N/mm2) Po = 0.6 //Maximum lift of the valve l (mm) l = 5 //Spring index C C = 8 //Ultimate tensile strength of the spring Sut (N/mm2) Sut = 1200 //Modulus of rigidity G (N/mm2) G = 81370 //Distance of the valve from the pivot dist_v (mm) dist_v = 75 //Distance of the spring from the pivot dist_s (mm) dist_s = 150 //The permissible shear stress for the spring wire is r% of the ultimate tensile strength r = 30