clc; //page no 199 // prob no 6.3.1 // RC phase shift scillator // In the given problem small-signal o/p resistance Rc=40kohm // collector bias resistor, rc=10kohm,f=400 Hz; // all resistances are in Kohm and freq in Hz f=400;rc= 10; Rc= 40; // Minimum value of beta is given by Bomin= 23+(4*Ro/R)+(29*R/Ro) // For minimum beta Ro/R=2.7, we represent Ro/R=b b=2.7; Bomin=23+(4*b)+(29*1/b); disp(Bomin,'1.The minimum value of beta is'); //Determination of R and C components //R0 is given by (rc*Rc)/(rc+Rc) R0=(rc*Rc)/(rc+Rc); R=2.7* R0; disp('Kohm',R,+'2.The value of resistor R='); c=1/(2*%pi*f*R*sqrt(6+(4*b)))*10^9; disp('pF',c,+'3.The value of capacitor is ');