clc; //page no 515 //prob no. 13.17.3 Z0=600;Zl=73;//in ohm F=0.9; QF=(2*%pi*F)/4; //For matching, the effective load impedance on the main line must equal the characteristic impedance of the mail line Zl1=Zl; Z01=sqrt(Zl1*Zl); Tl=(Zl-Z01)/(Zl+Z01); VI=1;//reference voltage Vi=VI*%e^(%i*QF); Vr=Tl*VI*%e^-(%i*QF); V_in=Vi+Vr; I_in=(Vi-Vr)/Z01; Z_in=V_in/I_in; disp('ohm',Z_in,'The input impedance is'); //the voltage reflection coeff is TL_F=(Z_in-Z0)/(Z_in+Z0); //the VSWr is given as VSWR_F=(1+TL_F)/(1-TL_F); disp(VSWR_F,'The VSWR is');