clc; // page no 9 // prob no 1_2_4 //As given in fig. 1.2.4 L-attenuator with source resistance Rs=75 ohm and load resistance Rl=50 ohm Rs=75; Rl=50; //Determination of R1 R1=(Rs*(Rs-Rl))^(1/2); disp('ohm',R1,+'The value of resistance R1 is'); //Determination of R3 R3=((Rs^2)-(R1^2))/R1; disp('ohm',R3,+'The value of resistance R3 is'); //Determination of insertion loss IL=(R3*(Rs+R1))/((Rs+R1+R3)*(R3+R1)-(R3)^2) ILdB=-20*log10(IL);//convertion of power in decibels disp('dB',ILdB,+'The value of insertion loss is');