clc; // page no 34 // prob no 1_10_1 //From the ckt of fig. 1.10.1(a) C1=70*10^-12 C2=150*10^-12 Rl=200 Q=150 f=27*10^6 r=40000 //Determination of common resonant freq wo=2*3.14*f; disp('Mrad/sec',wo/(10^6),+'The value of common resonant freq is'); //Determination of Gl Gl=1/Rl; disp('mSec',Gl*(10^3),+'The value of Gl is'); //Checking the approxiamtion in denominator ap=((wo*(C1+C2))/(Gl))^2 alpha=(C1+C2)/C1; disp(alpha,'The value of alpha is ') //Determination of effective load Reff=((alpha)^2)*Rl; disp('kohm',Reff/(10^3),+'The value of effective load is'); //If effective load is much less than internal resistance hence tuning capacitance then Cs=C1*C2/(C1+C2); disp('pF',Cs*(10^12),+'The value of tuning capacitance is'); //Determination of Rd Rd=Q/(wo*Cs); disp('kohm',Rd/(10^3),+'The value of Rd is'); //If Rd is much greater than Reff then -3dB bandwidth is given by B=1/(2*3.14*C2*alpha*Rl); disp('MHz',B/(10^6),+'The value of -3dB BW is');