// PG 599 // e = 0.001 // From earlier example : // eigen values of matrix A are 1 and 2. So,.. // inv(P)*A*P = [1 0;0 2] A = [101 -90;110 -98] B = [-1 -1;0 0] // From the above equation, we get: P = [9/sqrt(181) -10/sqrt(221);10/sqrt(181) -11/sqrt(221)] inv(P) K = norm(P)*norm(inv(P)) // K is condition number u1 = P(:,1) u2 = P(:,2) Q = inv(P) R = Q' w1 = R(:,1) w2 = R(:,2) s1 = 1/norm(w1,2) norm(B) // abs(lam1(e) - lam1) <= sqrt(2)*e/0.005 + O(e^2) = 283*e + O(e^2)