// PG 591 n = 4 A = [4 1 0 0;1 4 1 0;0 1 4 1;0 0 1 4] lam = spec(A) // Since A is symmetric, all eigen values are real. // The radii are all 1 or 2. // The centers of all the circles are 4. // All eigen values must all lie in the interval [2,6] // Since the eigen values of inv(A) are the reciprocals of those of A, // 1/6 <= mu <= 1/2 // Let inv(A) = B B=inv(A); norm(B,2) n i = 1:n; j = 1:n; // for j~i // r = sum(abs(B(i,j))) // norm(B,2) = r(B) <= o.5