// PG (633) A = [2 1 0;1 3 1;0 1 4] lam = spec(A) [L,U] = lu(A) y1 = [1 1 1]' w1 = [3385.2 -2477.3 908.20]' z1 = [w1/norm(w1,'inf')]' w2 = [20345 -14894 5451.9]' z2 = [w2/norm(w2,'inf')]' z3 = z2 // The true answer is x3 = [1 1-sqrt(3) 2-sqrt(3)]' // z2 equals x3 to within the limits of rounding error accumulations. // Consider lam = 1.2679 // 0.7321*x1 + x2 = 0 // x1 + 1.7321*x2 + x3 = 0 // Taking x1= 1.0, we have the approximate eigenvector // x = [1.0000 -0.73210 0.26807] // Compared with the true answer obtained above, this is a slightly poorer // result obtained by inverse iteration.