//power and speed// pathname=get_absolute_file_path('7.06.sce') filename=pathname+filesep()+'7.06-data.sci' exec(filename) //The same pump is used for both the conditions.Hence: D2=D1; //The same water is used for both the conditions. Hence: d2=d1; //Flow rate at condition 2(in gpm): Q2=Q1*N2/N1*(D2/D1)^3 //Head at condition 1(in ft): H1=(N1*sqrt(Q1)/Nscu1)^(4/3) //Head at condition 1(in ft): H2=H1*(N2/N1)^2*(D2/D1)^2 //Pump output power at condition 1(in hp): P1=d1*g*Q1*H1/7.48/60/550 //Pump output power at condition 2(in hp): P2=P1*(d2/d1)*(N2/N1)^3*(D2/D1)^5 //Required input power(in hp): Pin=P2/Effp //Specific speed at condition 2: Nscu2=N2*sqrt(Q2)/H2^(3/4) printf("\n\nRESULTS\n\n\n") printf("\n\nVolume flow rate at condition 2: %.3f gpm\n\n\n",Q2) printf("\n\nHead at condition: %.3f ft\n\n\n",H2) printf("\n\nPump output power at condition: %.3f hp\n\n\n",P2) printf("\n\nRequired input power: %.3f hp\n\n\n",Pin) printf("\n\nSpecific speed at condition 2: %.3f\n\n\n",Nscu2)