//Chapter 2_Thick Film and Thin Film Hybrid ICs //Caption : Length //Rxample2.9: Calculate the length of a 400ohm thin film resistor.Given a sheet resistivity oof 100ohm/square and a resistor width of 100um //Solution: clear; clc; function L=extent(r,w,Ps)// L:length of thin film, r:resistance of thin film=400ohm, w:width of resistor=100um, Ps:sheet resistance=100ohm/square L=r*w/(10^-6*Ps)//since, r=Ps*L/w and length in micrometer so dividing by 10^-6. disp('length of thin film is=')// include";" at the time of calling the function at last disp('micrometer',L) endfunction //extent(400,100*10^-6,100);