//Chapter 15_Phase Locked Loops //Caption : Lock Range //Example15.5: A PLL has a VCO with Ko=25kHz/V and Fc=50kHz.The amplifier gain is A=2 and the phase detector has a maximum output voltage swing of +0.7V and -0.7V. Find the lock range of the PLL.Assume filter gain equal to unity. //Solution: clear; clc; k1=2*0.7/%pi;//positive maximum gain value of phase detector k2=-k1;//negative maximum gain value of phase detector A=2;// amplifier gain Ko=25;// VCO gain in kHz //positive maximum output voltage swing of phase detector is V1=k1*%pi/2; //Negative maximum output voltage swing of phase detector is V2=k2*%pi/2; Vf1=k1*A*%pi/2;//Positive maximum control voltage available to drive VCO Vf2=k2*A*%pi/2;//negative maximum control voltage available to drive VCO //maximum VCO frequency swing that can be obtained is Fh=Ko*Vf1;//positive maximum VCO frequency swing Fl=Ko*Vf2;// Negative maximum VCO frequency swing // so lock range of PLL is f=Fh-Fl; disp('kHz',f,'The lock range of the PLL is:')