//Determine the trigonometric form of fourier series of Given Signal clc; clear; T=8;//Defining Time Period A=2;//Defining Amplitude t=-T:0.01:T; w0=2*%pi/T; function x=f(t),x=(2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0) ,endfunction //given continuous signal plot(t,f); xlabel("time"); ylabel("x(t)"); //Check if Signal is even or odd if(f(t)==f(-1*t)) disp('even'); disp('bn=0'); function x=f(t),x=(2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0) ,endfunction//redefining signal //Evaluation of a0 & an //Evaluation of a0: a0=4*intg(0,T/2,f)/T; //definite integral of 'f' from 0 to T/2 disp(a0,'a0'); //Evaluation of an: disp('due to convergence,for all even values of n,an=0'); disp('for odd values of n,an values are=>'); y0=a0/2+zeros(1,length(t)); for n=1:2:15 //changing the end value of n,we can get more numbers of an function xn=f1(t),xn=((2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0)).*cos(n.*w0.*t) ,endfunction an=4*intg(0,T/2,f1)/T; disp(n,'a'); disp(an); y0=y0+an.*cos(n*w0.*t); xset('window',1); subplot(2,4,(n+1)/2); plot(t,y0); xtitle('signal x(t) for few harmonics','time t','x(t)'); end else if(f(t)==(-1*f(-1*t))) disp('odd signal=>a0=an=0'); function x=f(t),x=(2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0) ,endfunction//redefining signal //Evaluation of bn=> y0=zeros(1,length(t)); for n=1:1:8 //changing the end value of n,we can get more numbers of bn function x=f(t),x=(2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0) ,endfunction bn=4*intg(0,T/2,f1)/T; disp(n,'b'); disp(bn); y0=y0+bn.*sin(w0.*n.*t); xset('window',1); subplot(2,4,n); plot(t,y0); xtitle('signal x(t) for few harmonics','time t','x(t)'); end else disp('neiher even nor odd'); function x=f(t),x=(2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0) ,endfunction//redefining signal //Evaluation of a0,an & bn //Evaluation of a0: disp('due to convergence,for all even values of n,an=0'); disp('for odd values of n,an values are=>'); a0=0; //definite integral of 'f' from 0 to T/2 disp(a0,'a0'); //Evaluation of an: y1=a0/2+zeros(1,length(t)); for n=1:2:15 //changing the end value of n,we can get more numbers of an function xn=f1(t),xn=((2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0)).*cos(n.*w0.*t) ,endfunction an=4*intg(0,T/2,f1)/T; disp(n,'a'); disp(an); y1=y1+an.*cos(n*w0.*t); xset('window',1); subplot(2,4,(n+1)/2); plot(t,y1); xtitle('signal x(t) for few harmonics','time t','x(t)*xcos(n*w0*t)'); end //Evaluation of bn=> y2=zeros(1,length(t)); for n=1:1:8 //changing the end value of n,we can get more numbers of bn function x=f1(t),x=((2*A/T*t).*(t>0 & t<=T/2)+(2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>-T & t<=-T/2)+(-2*A/T*t+2*A).*(t>T/2 & t-T/2 & t<0)).*sin(n.*w0.*t) ,endfunction bn=4*intg(0,T/2,f1)/T; disp(n,'b'); disp(bn); y2=y2+bn.*sin(w0.*n.*t); xset('window',2); subplot(2,4,n); plot(t,y2); xtitle('signal x(t) for few harmonics','time t','x(t)*sin(n*w0*t)'); end end y0=y1+y2; end xset('window',2); plot(t,y0);//x(t) signal till 8 harmonics xtitle('signal x(t) for 8 harmonics','time t','x(t)');