//Caption:Find the (a)iron loss (b)copper loss at full load (c)Load KVA at which maximum efficiency occurs (d)maximum efficiency of transformer at 0.8pf lagging //Exa:3.19 clc; clear; close; KVA=150; pf=0.8; Eff=0.96; P_o=KVA*1000*pf;//in watts P_cu=P_o*((1/Eff)-1)*(1-0.5)*4/3; P_i=4999.9-P_cu; disp(P_i,'(a)Iron Loss (in watts)='); disp(P_cu,'(b)Copper Loss at full load (in watts)='); x=sqrt(P_i/P_cu); disp(x*KVA,'(c)Load KVA at which maximum efficiency occurs (in KVA)='); Eff_max=x*KVA*1000*0.8/(x*KVA*1000*0.8+2*P_i); disp(Eff_max*100,'(d)maximum efficiency of transformer at 0.8pf lagging(in %)=')