//Caption:Calculate the secondary current at which max efficiency will occur and also calculate the max efficiency at 0.8pf lagging //Exa:3.18 clc; clear; close; a=1000/200; R_1=0.25;//in ohms R_2=0.018;//in ohms R_O2=R_2+R_1/a^2; P_i=240;//in watts I_2=sqrt(P_i/R_2); disp(I_2,'The secondary current at which max efficiency will occur (in Amperes)='); P_o=200*I_2*0.8;//in watts P_t=2*P_i;//in watts Eff=P_o/(P_o+P_t); disp(Eff*100,'Max efficiency at 0.8pf lagging(in %)=')