//sum 28-6 clc; clear; Z1=1; Z2=30; q=10; m=6; //Let the ultimate strength of gear is sigut //Let the allowable strenth of wheel is sigb sigut=450; sigb=84; N=1200; n=N/Z2; alpha=20*%pi/180; d=m*q; D=Z2*m; b=3*d/4; V=2*%pi*n*D/(2*60*1000); Cv=6/(6+V); y=0.154-(0.912/Z2); Y=%pi*y; Sb=sigb*b*Cv*m*Y; K=0.415; Sw=b*D*K; // printing data in scilab o/p window printf("Sb is %0.0f N ",Sb); printf("\n Sw is %0.0f N ",Sw); //The difference in the value of Sb is due to rounding-off the values.