A = 10^-3; Na = 10^19; Nd = 10^16; q = 1.6*10^-19; Tp = 10^-6; Tn = 10^-6; Dp = 10.5; kT = 26*10^-3; //in eV T = 300; Vs = -0.67; Vf = 0.3; eRc = 110; Is = A*eRc*T^2*exp(Vs/kT); disp(Is,"Reverse saturation current (in Ampere) = ") I = Is*exp(Vf/kT); disp(I,"For a forward bias of 0.3 V, the current(in Ampere) = ") Lp = (Dp*Tp)^0.5; disp(Lp, "Lp(in cm) = ") pn = 2.25*10^4; I0 = A*q*Dp*pn/Lp; disp(I0,"Saturation current (in Ampere) = ") disp("For the p-n diode to have the same current that the Schottky diode has at 0.3 V, the voltage required is 0.71 V.")