//Example 4_14 clc printf("\n [Enter values in single line]) "); printf("\nEnter character values for c1, c2 and c3 : "); [a,c1, c2, c3]=mscanf("%c%c%c"); printf("c1 = %c, c2 = %c, c3 = %c ", c1, c2, c3); //if scanf written as scanf("%c %1s %1s", &c1, &c2, &c3) printf("\nEnter character values for c1, c2 and c3 : "); [a,c1, c2, c3]=mscanf("%c%1s%1s"); printf("c1 = %c, c2 = %c, c3 = %c ", c1, c2, c3); //if scanf written as scanf("%c %c %c", &c1, &c2, &c3) printf("\nEnter character values for c1, c2 and c3 : "); [a,c1, c2, c3]=mscanf("%c %c %c"); //if spaces are included between %cs. printf("c1 = %c, c2 = %c, c3 = %c ", c1, c2, c3);