// Example:7.2 //Given below is the list of marks obtained by a class of 50 students in an //annual examination. 43 65 51 27 79 11 56 61 82 09 25 36 07 49 55 63 74 81 49 //37 40 49 16 75 87 91 33 24 58 78 65 56 76 67 45 54 36 63 12 21 73 49 51 19 39 //49 68 93 85 59 //Write a program to count the number of students belonging to each of // following groups of marks:0-9,10-19,20-29,.......100. //This program computes for 10 students. We could compute for 50 students by //changing MAXVAL=50. MAXVAL=10;COUNTER=11; disp("Input Data[Marks of 10 students]"); group1=zeros(1,11); //Reading and counting for i=1:MAXVAL //Reading of values value(i)=input(" "); //Counting frequency of groups a=int16((value(i)/10)); if(a==0) then group1(a+1)=group1(a+1)+1; else group1(a+1)=group1(a+1)+1; end end //Printing of frequency table printf("Group Range Frequency\n"); for i=0:COUNTER-1 if(i==0) , low=0; else low=i*10; end if(i==10), high=100; else high=low+9; end printf("%2d %8d to %3d %5d\n",i+1,low,high,group1(i+1)); end