// Example 10.1 //Define a structure type,struct personal that would contain person name,- // date of joining and salary. Write a program to read this information from // keyboard and print same on the screen. funcprot(0); function [ ]=struc(n,d,m,y,s) //Defining structure members personal=struct('name',n,'day',d,'month',m,'year',y,'salary',s); person=personal; //Accessing structure members printf(" %s %d %s %d %.2f",person.name,person.day,person.month,person.year,person.salary); endfunction disp("Input values[Name day month year and salary]"); //Reading data [name,day,month,year,salary]=scanf("%s %d %s %d %f"); //Calling function struc() struc(name,day,month,year,salary);