clear; clc; // Example: 9.1 // Page: 338 printf("Example: 9.1 - Page: 338\n\n"); // Solution //*****Data******// V1_bar = 52.37*10^(-6);// [partial molar volume of ethanol, cubic m/mol] y1 = 0.5;// [mole fraction of ethanol] Density = 800.21;// [kg/cubic m] M1 = 46*10^(-3);// //[Molecular wt. of ethanol,kg/mol] M2 = 18*10^(-3);// [Molecular wt. of water,kg/cmol] //*************// y2 = 1 - y1;// [mole fraction of water] M = y1*M1 + y2*M2;// [Molecular wt. of mixture, kg/mol] V = M/Density;// [Volume of mixture, cubic m/mol] // From Eqn. 9.9: V2_bar = (V - y1*V1_bar)/y2;// [partial molar volume of water, cubic m/mol] printf("Partial molar volume of water is %.2e cubic m/mol\n",V2_bar);