clear; clc; // Example: 5.3 // Page: 151 printf("Example: 5.3 - Page: 151\n\n"); // Solution //*****Data*****// Th = 650 + 273;// [K] Tl = 30 + 273;// [K] Qh = 585;// [kJ/cycle] //*************// // Solution (a) // From Eqn. (5.9) eta = (Th - Tl)/Th; printf("(a) The efficiency of the Carnot engine is %.1f %%\n",eta*100); // Soluton (b) // From the knowledge of the ratio of heat and temperature between the two regions: Ql = Qh*Tl/Th;// [kJ] printf("(b) Heat released to cold reservoir is %d kJ\n",Ql);