clear; clc; // Example: 2.19 // Page: 69 printf("Example: 2.19 - Page: 69\n\n"); // Solution //*****Data*****// T1 = 273;// [K] T2 = 273 + 67;// [K] m_dot = 20000;// [kg/h] Ws = -1.5;// [hp] Q = -38000;// [kJ/min] Z = 20;// [m] Cp = 4.2;// [kJ/kg K] g = 9.81;// [m/second square] //***************// Q = Q*60/m_dot;// [kJ/kg] Ws = Ws*0.7457*3600/m_dot;// [kJ/kg] PE = g*Z*10^(-3);// [kJ/kg] // KE is assumed to be negligible. // For Steady Flow process: dE/dt = 0 // From Eqn. 2.47: deltaH = Q - Ws - PE;// [kJ/kg] H1 = Cp*(T2 - T1);// [kJ/kg] H2 = H1 + deltaH;// [kJ/kg] // Now, the temperature of the tank can be determined as: T = (H2/Cp) + T1;// [K] printf("Tempertaure of water in the second tank is %.2f K\n",T);