clear; clc; // Example: 10.19 // Page: 413 printf("Example: 10.11 - Page: 436\n\n"); // Solution //*****Data******// // (1): acetone (2): carbon tetrachloride T = 45;// [OC] // Data = [P (torr), x1, y1] Data = [315.32 0.0556 0.2165;339.70 0.0903 0.2910;397.77 0.2152 0.4495;422.46 0.2929 0.5137; 448.88 0.3970 0.5832;463.92 0.4769 0.6309;472.84 0.5300 0.6621;485.16 0.6047 0.7081;498.07 0.7128 0.7718;513.20 0.9636 0.9636]; //*************// // From the standard data (Pg 531): // For Acetone: A1 = 14.2342; B1 = 2691.46; C1 = 230.00; // For carbon tetrachloride: A2 = 13.6816; B2 = 2355.82; C2 = 220.58; P1sat = exp(A1 - B1/(T + C1));// [kPa] P2sat = exp(A2 - B2/(T + C2));// [kPa] P1sat = P1sat*760/101.325;// [torr] P2sat = P2sat*760/101.325;// [torr] P = Data(:,1); x1 = Data(:,2); y1 = Data(:,3); x2 = 1 - x1; y2 = 1 - y1; gama1 = (y1.*P./x1)/P1sat; gama2 = (y2.*P./x2)/P2sat; Value = log(gama1./gama2); scf(2); plot(x1,Value); xgrid(); xlabel("x1"); ylabel("ln(y1/y2)"); // Since the whole area is above X - axis: printf("The data is not consistent thermodynamically\n");