// Scilab code Ex8.16: Diffraction of thermal neutrons from planes of Ni crystal Page 294 (2010) k = 1.38e-023; // Boltzmann constant, J/mol/K h = 6.626e-034; // Planck's constant, Js theta = 28.5; // Bragg's angle, degree a = 3.52e-010; // Lattice parameter of fcc structure of nickel, m m_n = 1.67e-027; // Rest mass of neutron, kg // For fcc lattice, the interplanar spacing is given by d = a/sqrt(3); // Interplanar spacing of Ni, m // Bragg's equation for first order diffraction (n = 1) is lambda = 2*d*sind(theta); // Bragg's law, m // From kinetic interpretaion of temperature, we have // (1/2)*m*v^2 = (3/2)*k*T -- (a) // Further from de-Broglie relation // lambda = h/(m*v) -- (b) // From (a) and (b), solving for T, we have T = h^2/(3*m_n*k*lambda^2); // Effective temperature of the neutrons, K printf("\nThe effective temperature of neutrons = %d K", T); // Result // The effective temperature of neutrons = 168 K