//clc() P1s = 194.9;//kPa P2s = 8.52;//kPa T1 = 353;//K T2 = 273;//K T3 = 300;//K Pair = 101.3;//kPa //log (P2s/P1s) = J * (1/T1 - 1/T2) / R //let J / R = L L = log (P2s/P1s)/(1/T1 - 1/T2); P3s = P1s * exp(L * (1/T1 - 1/T3)) ; Ptotal = P3s + Pair;//at saturation vapour pressure = partial pressure disp("kPa",Ptotal,"(a)Final pressure of the mixture = ") MP = P3s * 100 / Ptotal; // mole percent = moles of acetone * 100 / total moles //= Partial pressure of acetone * 100 / total Pressure disp("%",MP,"(b)Mole percent of acetone in the final mixture = ")