//clc() Pexcess = 20;//% PSO3 = 5;//% ( Percent of sulphur burnt to SO3 ) //S + O2 = SO2 N = 1;//kmol sulphur Orequired = N;//kmol Osupplied = Orequired * ( 1 + Pexcess/100); Nsupplied = Osupplied * 79/21; NSO2 = (1-PSO3/100)*N; NSO3 = PSO3 * N /100; Oconsumed = NSO2 + 3/2 * PSO3/100; Oremaining = Osupplied - Oconsumed; Ntotal = NSO2 + NSO3 + Oremaining + Nsupplied; PSO2 = NSO2 * 100 / Ntotal; PSO3 = NSO3 * 100 / Ntotal; PO2 = Oremaining * 100 / Ntotal; PN2 = Nsupplied * 100 / Ntotal; disp("%",PSO2,"Percent SO2 in burner gas = ") disp("%",PSO3,"Percent SO3 in burner gas = ") disp("%",PO2,"Percent O2 in burner gas = ") disp("%",PN2,"Percent N2 in burner gas = ")