//clc() mcoal = 100;//kg mC = 63;//kg mH = 12;//kg mO = 16;//kg mash =9;//kg mfixC = 39;//kg mH2O = 10;//kg mCvolatile = mC - mfixC; mHH2O = mH2O *2.016/18.016;//(mass of hydrogen in moisture) mHvolatile = mH - mHH2O; mOH2O = mH2O - mHH2O; mOvolatile = mO - mOH2O; mtvolatile = mCvolatile + mHvolatile + mOvolatile; PC = mCvolatile * 100 / mtvolatile; PH = mHvolatile * 100 / mtvolatile; PO = mOvolatile * 100 / mtvolatile; disp("%",PC,"(a)percent carbon in volatile matter = ") disp("%",PH," percent hydrogen in volatile matter = ") disp("%",PO," percent oxygen in volatile matter = ") PCflue = 10.8;//% Pvflue = 9.0;//% Pashflue = 80.2;//% //taking ash balance, Wis the weight of the refuse, W = mash *100 / Pashflue; mvflue = Pvflue * W /100; mCflue = W * PCflue / 100; Ctflue = mCflue + mvflue * PC / 100;//total carbon in flue Htflue = mvflue * PH / 100; Otflue = mvflue * PO / 100; PCflue = Ctflue *100/W; PHflue = Htflue *100/W; POflue = Otflue *100/W; disp("%",PCflue,"(b)percent Carbon in refuse = ") disp("%",PHflue," percent Hydrogen in refuse = ") disp("%",POflue," percent Oxygen in refuse = ") disp("%",Pashflue," percent Ash in refuse = ") Coalburnt = mcoal - W; NCburnt = (mC - Ctflue)/12; NHburnt = (mH - Htflue)/2.016; NOburnt = (mO - Otflue)/32; PCO2 = 80;//Percentage of carbon burnt NCO2 = PCO2 * NCburnt / 100; NCO = ( 1 - PCO2/100 )*NCburnt; Vair = 1000;//m^3 Nair = Vair / 22.4143; NN2 = Nair * 79 / 100; NO2 = Nair * 21 / 100; Ocompounds = NCO2 + NCO/2 + NHburnt/2;//Oxygen present in CO2,CO and H2O //Oxygen balance gives free oxygen as, Ofree = NO2 + mO/32 - Otflue/32 - Ocompounds; Ntotal = NN2 + Ofree + NCO2 + NCO;//dry basis PCO21 = NCO2 *100/Ntotal; PCO1 = NCO * 100/Ntotal; PO21 = Ofree * 100/Ntotal; PN21 = NN2 * 100/Ntotal; disp("%",PCO21,"(c)percent CO2 in flue = ") disp("%",PCO1," percent CO in flue = ") disp("%",PO21," percent O2 in flue = ") disp("%",PN21," percent N2 in flue = ") NOrequired = mC/12 + mH/(2.016*2) - mO/32; Oexcess = NO2 - NOrequired; Pexcess = Oexcess * 100 / NOrequired; disp("%",Pexcess,"(d)Percent excess air supplied = ") NH2Oflue = NHburnt; mH2O = NH2Oflue * 18.016; m = mH2O * 100/Ntotal; disp("g water vapour / 100kmol dry flue gas",m,"(e)mass of water vapour per 100 moles of dry flue gas = ")