//clc() Nflue = 100;//kmoles NCO2 = 9.05; NCO = 1.34; NO2 = 9.98; NN2 = 79.63; PCO2F = 9.2;//% ( Feed ) PCOF = 21.3;//% PH2F = 18;//% PCH4F = 2.5;//% PN2F = 49;//% //Taking carbon balance, F = (NCO2 + NCO )/ ( (PCO2F + PCOF + PCH4F)/100); //Nitrogen balance gives, Nair = (NN2 - F*PN2F/(100) )* 100 / 79; R = Nair/F; disp(R,"(a)molar Ratio of air to fuel = ") Oexcess = NO2 - NCO / 2; Pexcess = Oexcess *100/ (Nair*21/100 - Oexcess); disp("%",Pexcess,"(b)Percent excess of air = ") NN2F = F * PN2F / 100; PN2F = NN2F *100/ NN2; disp("%",PN2F,"(c)Percent of nitrogen in the flue gas that came from fuel = ")