//clc() m = 100;//kg ( basis - sucrose solution as fresh feed ) //R - recycle reactor exit, let x be the weight fraction of sucrose and y be the weight fracton of inversion sugar in the recycle stream, for combined stream fraction of Glucose + fructose = 0.04 //z be the weight fraction of sucrose in the combined stream entering the reactor Psfeed = 25;//% percent sucrose in fresh feed //sucrose balance gives, 25 + R*x = (100+R)* z (A) //Glucose + fructose balance, R * y = (100 + R )*0.04 (B) Sucrosecon = 71.7;//% sucrose consumed //sucrose balance around the reactor,(100+R)z=0.717*(100+R)z+(100+R)x (C) //From (C) , x = 0.283*z (D) //Amount converted to Glucose + fructose = 0.717 ( 100 + R )* z // = 0.717 ( 100 + R )* z * 360.192 / 342.176 kg //Glucose and fructose balance around the reactor, //(100+R)*0.04 + 0.717(100+R)*z*360.192/342.176 = (100+R)*y (E) //Solving (E), y = 0.04 + 0.7548*z (F) //Solving, (A), (B), (C) and (F) x = 0.06; y = 0.2; z = 0.212; R = 25; disp("kg",R,"(a)Recycle flow = ") disp("%",y*100,"(b)Combined concentration of Glucose and Fructose in the recycle stream = ")