//clc() m = 100;//mol ( basis reactore exit gas ) //CH3OH + O2 = HCOOH + H2O //CH3OH + O2 / 2 = HCHO + H2O Nn2 = 64.49;//mol No2 = 13.88;//mol Nh2o = 5.31;//mol Nch3oh = 11.02;//mol Nhcho = 4.08;//mol Nhcooh = 1.22;//mol //x be the moles of methanol reacted, taking C balance, we get, x = Nch3oh + Nhcho + Nhcooh; Pconv = Nhcho * 100 / x ; disp("%",Pconv,"(a)Percent conversion of formaldehyde = ") Nair = Nn2 * 100 / 79; R = Nair / x; disp(R,"(b)Ratio of air to methanol in the feed = ")