//clc() m = 100;//kg (basis sodium nitrate reacted) NNaNO3 = m/85; //2NaNO3 + H2SO4 = 2HNO3 + Na2SO4 mh2so4 = NNaNO3 * 98.08/2; mhno3 = NNaNO3*63.008; mna2so4 = NNaNO3 * 142.064 /2; Phno3 = 2;//%(percent nitric acid remaining in the cake) mhno3cake = mhno3 * Phno3 / 100; Ph2so4 = 35;//% Pwater = 1.5;//% mtotal = (mna2so4 + mhno3cake)*100/(100 - Ph2so4 - Pwater); mwater = Pwater * mtotal / 100; mh2so4c = Ph2so4 * mtotal / 100; Pna2so4 = mna2so4 *100/mtotal; Phno3c = mhno3cake * 100 / mtotal; disp("kg",mna2so4,"(a)Mass of Na2SO4 in the cake = ") disp("kg",mhno3,"Mass of HNO3 in the cake = ") disp("kg",mwater,"Mass of water in the cake = ") disp("kg",mh2so4c,"Mass of H2SO4 in the cake = ") disp("%",Pna2so4,"Percentage of Na2SO4 in the cake = ") disp("%",Phno3c,"Percentage of HNO3 in the cake = ") disp("%",Pwater,"Percentage of water in the cake = ") disp("%",Ph2so4,"Percentage of H2SO4 in the cake = ") mh2so4req = mh2so4 + mh2so4c; P = 95;//% (95% dilute sulphuric acid) w = mh2so4req * 100 / P; disp(mh2so4) disp("kg",w,"(b)Weight of 95% sulphuric acid required = ") mnitric = mhno3 - mhno3cake; disp("kg",mnitric,"(c)weight of nitric acid product obtained = ") mwaterd = w*(1-P/100)-mwater; disp("kg",mwaterd,"(d)the water vapour tha tis distilled from the nitre cake = ")