clear clc //Example 6.6 FORCES ACTING ON A PIPE BEND p=75*10^3 //[Pa] r=0.5; //[m] A=%pi*r^2 //area[m^2] S=0.94; rho=S*1000 //drnsity[kg/m^3] Gamma=S*9.81 //specific weight of oil[kN/m^3] V=1.2; //volume of oil[m^3] Q=2; //[m^3/s] m=rho*Q //mass flow rate[kg/s] v=2.55; //[m/s] theta=30; //degrees //Reaction force //Rx+p*A-p*A*cos(theta)=m*v*cos(theta)-m*v Rx=-(p*A+m*v)*(1-cosd(theta))/10^3 //[kN] //Ry+p*A*sin(theta)=-m*v*sin(theta) Ry=-(p*A+m*v)*sind(theta)/10^3 //[kN] We=4; //empty weight of bend[kN] Rz=(Gamma*V)+We //[kN] //Reaction force vector R=[Rx Ry Rz] //[kN] printf("\n The net force required to hold the bend in place, F =(%.2f kN)i+(%.1f kN)j+(%.1f kN)k.\n",R(1),R(2),R(3))