clear; clc; close; disp("Example 4.11") M0=2.0 //Mach no. p0=10//units in kPa T0=228 //in K gmc=1.4 //gamma compressor Cpc=1004 //J/kg.K specific heat of compressor pd=0.88 //compression ratio of diffuser pc=12 // compression ratio of compressor ec=0.9 //adiabatic efficiency of compressor tl=8 //enthalpy ratio Qr=42000 //kJ/kg eb=0.98 //adiabatic efficiency of burner pb=0.95 //compression ratio of burner gmt=1.33 //gamma turbne Cpt=1156 //J/kg.K specific heat turbine et=0.82 //adiabatic efficiency of turbine em=0.995 tlAB=11 //enthalpy ratio of afterburner (AB==AfterBurner) QrAB=42000 //kJ/kg eAB=0.98 pAB=0.93 gmAB=1.3 // gama AB CpAB=1243 //J/kg.K pn=0.93 a0=((gmc-1)*Cpc*T0)^(1/2) V0=M0*a0 pt0=p0*(1+(((gmc-1)*(M0)^2)/2))^(gmc/(gmc-1)) //total flight pressure Tt0=T0*(1+(((gmc-1)*(M0)^2)/2)) //total flight temp Tt2=Tt0 //Adiabatic inlets pt2=pt0*pd // in kPa pt3=pt2*pc //compressor exit total pressure k2=((gmc-1)/(gmc*ec)) //disp(k2) tc=pc^k2 //relation between temp and pressure ratios //disp(tc) Tt3=Tt2*tc //total temp at compressor exit Tt4=Cpc*T0*tl/Cpt //combustor exit total temp. pt4=pt3*pb //combustor exit pressure f=(Cpt*Tt4-Cpc*Tt3)/(Qr*eb*1000-Cpt*Tt4) //fuel-to-air ratio in burner //disp(f) Tt5=Tt4-(Cpc*((Tt3-Tt2)/(Cpt*em*(1+f)))) // turbine exit total temp tt=Tt5/Tt4 //temp ratio in turbine pt=tt^(gmt/(et*(gmt-1))) pt5=pt4*pt //in kPa pt7=pt5*pAB Tt7=Cpc*T0*tlAB/CpAB //afterburner exit fAB=(1+f)*((CpAB*Tt7)-(Cpt*Tt5))/((QrAB*eAB*1000)-(CpAB*Tt7)) //disp(fAB) pt9=pt7*pn //in kPA Tt9=Tt7 //adiabatic flow in nozzle p9=p0 M9=((2/(gmAB-1))*((pt9/p9)^(((gmAB-1)/gmAB))-1))^(1/2) //nozzle exit //disp(M9) T9=Tt9/(1+((gmAB-1)*(M9)^2)/2) a9=((gmAB-1)*CpAB*T9)^(1/2) //disp(a9) V9=M9*a9 //Performance parameters: st=(1+f+fAB)*V9-V0 //st=Fn/m0; specific thrust when nozzle is perfectly expanded ndst=((1+f+fAB)*V9/a0)-M0 //ndst=Fn/m0*ao ; nondimensional specific thrust TSFC=((f+fAB)/st)*10^6 //units mg/s/N eth=(((1+f+fAB)*((V9)^2)/2)-((V0)^2)/2)/(f*Qr*1000+fAB*QrAB*1000) //cycle thermal efficiency ep=st*V0/(((1+f+fAB)*(((V9)^2)/2))-((V0)^2)/2) //propulsive efficiency exact epa=2/(1+V9/V0) //approx disp("a(1)Total temperatures across the engine in K:") disp(Tt0,"Flight total temperaure:") disp(Tt2,"Toal temperature at compressor inlet:") disp(Tt3,"Total temperature at compressor exit: ") disp(Tt4,"Total temperature at burner exit:") disp(Tt5,"Total temperature at turbine exit:") disp(Tt7,"Total temperature at afterburner exit:") disp(T9,"Total temperature at nozzle exit:") disp(T9,"Nozzle exit static temperature:") disp("a(2)Total pressures across the engine in kPa:") disp(pt0,"Flight total pressure:") disp(pt2,"Toal pressure at compressor inlet:") disp(pt3,"Total pressure at compressor exit: ") disp(pt4,"Total pressure at burner exit:") disp(pt5,"Total pressure at turbine exit:") disp(pt7,"Total pressure at afterburner exit:") disp(pt9,"Total pressure at nozzle exit:") disp(p9,"Nozzle exit static pressure:") disp(ndst,"(b)Nondimensional specific thrust:") disp(TSFC,"(c)Thrust specific fuel consumption TSFC (in mg/s/N):") disp(eth,"d(1)Themal efficiency:") disp(ep,"d(2)Exact propulsive efficiency:")