clear; clc; close; disp("Example2.8") Tt1=50+460 //Converting the inlet temp. to the absolute scale i.e. in degree R M1=0.5 //Initial inlet Mach no. pt1=14.7 //Units in psia gm=1.4 //gamma R=53.34 //units in ft.lbf/ R Tcr=Tt1/0.69136 cp=gm*R/(gm-1) //using energy equation: Q1cr=cp*(Tcr-Tt1) //since heat flux is 1.2(Q1cr). q=1.2*Q1cr Tt1cr1=Tt1+(Q1cr'/cp) //new exit total temp. z=Tt1/Tt1cr1 M2=0.473 function [f]=f(M) f=M/(1+((gm-1)/2)*M^2)^((gm+1)/(2*(gm-1))) endfunction sm=((f(M1)-f(M2))/f(M1))*100 //sm=The % spilled flow at the inlet disp(M2,"(a)The new inlet Mach no. M2:") disp(sm,"(b)The % spilled flow at the inlet:")